I found this great info graphic to share with you. I may have to put this into my next book.
Have you had an “aha” moment or a million dollar idea that you wish to build a business with? This great infographic illustrates 12 things that must have to make that a reality. The very first thing is to have belief and confidence in your thought as well as actions. If you don’t believe in yourself or your idea, who else will?
Secondly, build your dream team. These will be experts or people who have the experience of building a business that can help you with great advice. I can’t stress the importance of having mentors and coaches to help you along the way. All twelve of the steps outlined on this infographic are essential.
Additionally, if you wish to excel as an entrepreneur then you should follow the 5 golden rules which include being inquisitive and asking questions, taking massive action on the solutions you identify, setting up targets that are achievable within a given time frame (goals people, this means setting goals), maintaining a pool of creative inner circle and looking after the vision, mission and values of your organization.
Commit to memory each of the ten mistakes this graphic indicates that can shatter your business and end your dream. Learn them and then do not make any of these blunders!
I hope you enjoy this graphic. Do you see anything here you may not have known already?