I’m doing something really scary for me; I’m starting a global movement to end youth unemployment. That’s right, GLOBAL!
With all of my heart, I believe that we need to step up and create some sort of income potential for our youth. My friend Alan Miles of hmroomph.com wrote in my first book, 31 Powerful Lessons Empowering Teens and Young Adults to Develop an Entrepreneur Mindset,
“One of the challenges of the next decade is how we’re going to create enough jobs – especially for young people. Recession or no recession, the nature of work is changing, workforces are shrinking in the major companies, new patterns are emerging.
The most important is the growth of self-employment and new start-ups. Already numbers in the US and across Europe are at record highs, and that’s where most of the growth in the employment market is coming from. Some commentators predict that half the US workforce could be employed in micro-businesses by 2020.”
Alan is a human resources consultant and achievement management specialist so he knows what he speaks of and speaks of it with some insight.
I believe that is incumbent upon us as parents, teachers, life skills professionals, coaches, and mentors to empower our youth to develop an entrepreneur mindset. We need to start in elementary school. There are many examples of young kids, ages eight and nine and up, who have had a great idea and with the support of the adults in their life have created a successful business so it can be done.
It starts with a mindset. That is why I developed a training course for adults who either currently work with youth or want to develop a youth centered business.
My certification course, The Monetize Your Passion Blueprint – Empowering Young Entrepreneurs, includes the materials you’ll need plus weekly calls, plus personal coaching sessions with me plus a FREE FOR LIFE membership in our members forum where you and can stay connected, receive support, further training, tools and mentoring to stay on track and build a successful business. We also provide a site for your clients to mastermind with each other and receive free training and mentorship.
There is also an optional module on how to build a youth centered business – where and how to find clients and support in doing that.
The program is suitable for anyone who works with young people whether in a classroom, through an service provider agency, in a life skills program or private coaching business, after school program, summer camp or other venue.
There is an investment required for this course. Some might say the fee is high, however, when you realize that this one time investment provides support, masterminding and ongoing training for as long as you want it, and that part of the proceeds are funding the global movement and will train volunteers who work with homeless youth for free, then you realize that this investment is actually a bargain; a bargain not only in your own career and for your clients or students, it is an investment in economic independence for young people around the world.
The Monetize Your Passion Blueprint: Empowering Young Entrepreneurs will be launching in a few weeks. Until that time, you are welcome to contact me at julia@julianeiman.com for more information, or check at this blog site on the services page. Anyone who enrolls prior to the official roll out of the program will receive a huge discount. I also have a generous affiliate opportunity so get in touch now, before the program launches and the huge discount decreases.
Join me on this global mission and together let’s have a huge, positive impact on the youth unemployment crisis.
Own the amazing content filled series The Youth Empowerment Telesummit. This program will provide you with practical, easy to implement strategies to engage the tweens, teens and young adults in your life to improve communication, build trust, and empower them with life skills.