A 5 Step Blueprint to Change the World’s Economy

Yesterday I was explaining to someone that the global mission of my business not only has the potential to impact youth unemployment; through the ripple effect it has the potential to impact entire communities worldwide.

Whew, that’s a big picture.  It is possible though.  I like to dream big and I believe this can become reality.


Here’s my 5 step blueprint for changing economic reality around the globe:

1. Train and mentor young people to become entrepreneurs.

2. These young entrepreneurs will hire friends and family as their business starts earning money.

3. Friends and family will then be employed and have money to spend in the community.

4.The community will thrive due to this spending, small business will be able to create more jobs and people will have money to spend on the things they need.

5. The outcome is a thriving, healthy community that invests in newer and better resources.

Yes, I know this is a rather simplistic blueprint, but think about it for a few minutes.  Once we fill in the details of all these steps, and while it may not be possible in some areas of the world until their politics change, it is possible and with enough big dreamers taking action, it is doable.

Let me leave you with one such example.  There is a nonprofit called The Kind Fund.  They supply school desks to children in Malawi.  The desks are locally made and the Fund raises money, more and more desks are ordered, the local company that makes them has hired other members of the community to build the desks.  More desks means having to order more wood which creates more work for woodcutters.  Can you see that ripple effect at work here?

What is your world changing idea?


Do you have a clear picture of the areas of your life and business where change is required?  It might be time for a reality check so you can discover those areas where you are incomplete or could improve.  If you are subscribed to my blog, then you already have Julia Neiman’s 2 Step Reality Check to Discover and Overcome the Hurdles That Stand Between You and Your Dreams.  If you don’t have a copy of the Reality Check, simply enter your name and email in the box at the top right side of the page and it will be on it’s way to your inbox in seconds.

About the Author

Rahul - January 14, 2013

The steps explained will help in global economy and these will help me with my bussiness please keep on posting such bussiness related posts.

    Julia - January 19, 2013

    Thank you for your comment Rahul. I’m glad to know you found this post useful.

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