Once you have identified your passion and decided on the business you want to build, it is essential to build a dream team. A dream team is a group of people that will help you make your dreams come true.
You should include at least one mentor on your team who can help support you with guidance and encouragement at various steps along the way in building your business. That mentor can be a teacher, a local business person, a family friend, an advisor the local Junior Achievement chapter, or a member of your family.
The most important skill that you must develop in order to put your dream team together is the ability to communicate your vision and ask for help. Here are a couple of steps to help with that:
• Communicate the vision for your business as clearly and with as much passion as possible.
• When you ask for help, make a specific request. The more specific you are, the more likely you will receive the help you are asking for. On the other hand, if your request is not specific or if you are asking too much and people aren’t clear on what you are asking of them, they will probably refuse your request.
Here’s an example of two ways to make the same request:
1. Can you pet sit for me?
2. Can you pet sit my dog this weekend from 5:00 Friday night until noon on Sunday at my home? I will pay you $50 plus provide food for your meals?
Which of these examples is more specific? Which one would you say yes to? Why?
If people say, “No” to your requests, politely ask them why they can’t help you. Maybe they need more information. If you provide more information and they still say no, ask if they know someone who might be able to help you. Don’t forgot to thank the people for their time.
When deciding on who to approach to be on your dream team, ask yourself these questions:
What friends can help me?
What family members can help me?
What friends of friends can help me?
What friends in my school community can help me?
Who in my local community can help me?
Which associations or organizations can help me?
Who are people I can go to for support?
Who are people I can ask for advice?
Who are people that I don’t know yet who can help me and how can I connect with them?
Next, make a three column chart with these three questions:
What do I need Who am I going What am I going
help with? to ask? to say?
Answer the three questions. Remember to be as specific as possible.
To help you find the right approach, write a short blurb, what some call an elevator pitch that gets your point across as quickly as possible. Write your dream in 25 words or less then practice saying it out loud. Practice it on a friend or family member and ask for feedback. The more feedback you get, the better your presentation becomes.
“When you begin speaking your dream and enrolling others, your dream can become bigger and take on new forms, and all kids of opportunities will show up.” Marcia Wieder.