Have you fallen into the trap of setting too many goals?
An easy trap to fall into is setting too many goals. Many successful people often only set one big goal at a time. This focuses their efforts on one target, speeding up the completion of their goal. Once the first goal is completed, you can then look to tackle your next one.
If you set too many goals, the danger is that your focus will become so spread out that you end up achieving nothing. As an old proverb states; “if you chase two rabbits both will escape.”
Are you feeling it?
The meaning of the word goal is outlined as a ‘clearly and well defined measurable state.’ The goals you aim to achieve in life-whether it is to be a rock star, to build a multi-million dollar business, or own a mansion on the beach are all strong motivations because of the way you imagine they will make you feel once you have obtained them.
If you believe that having a multi-million dollar business will make you feel secure, powerful, and liberated, then these desired feelings are the driving force behind obtaining the goal.
Before setting out to make your dream become a reality it is important that you associate with the feelings that you imagine experiencing once you have obtained your goal.
For example if building a multi-million dollar business will make you feel secure and liberated, it is important that you connect with those feelings before you begin building your empire.
This will optimize and speed up the process of obtaining your goal.
Have you taken action?
All the great ideas in the world are worth nothing if you don’t take action on them. However, once you take action on your ideas they can begin to take form.
It is common for people to spend a significant amount of time setting worthwhile goals, but if you are not prepared to act on them then nothing will ever be achieved.
All successful people have one thing in common; they get more done in the time given to them, than most people.
Whatever idea you have in mind, you must begin working towards it the moment that your goal has been set.
It is important to develop a sense of accountability and commitment towards taking action, otherwise you may find that you talk yourself out of making your goals a reality.
Do you have a deadline?
Remember to give yourself a deadline to achieve your goal, otherwise you could end up spending a lifetime working towards it. Without setting a deadline you run the risk of becoming a procrastinator, always putting off the things you need to do. By having a time plan you streamline your focus, making sure that every second of your time up to this date is dedicated and organized to achieving your aim.
Remember: A goal is a dream with a deadline.
If you are going to be successful, you need to make sure that you live your life with a real sense of purpose and direction. Creating goals is one of the most effective ways to do this.