My 7 Reasons Entrepreneurs Should Have an Accountability Partner

AccountabilityAn accountability partner is someone who you trust to hold you to the standards that you set for yourself.  As stated in this quote by Bob Proctor in the accompanying graphic, “Accountability is the glue that ties commitment to results.”

One of the drawbacks of having an exclusively internet based business is a sense of isolation that many people feel.  I know that was my experience before I started coaching, masterminding and working with accountability partners.  I used to love working solo and not have anyone to report to.  It got more challenging as time went by because I didn’t have anyone to run my ideas by, no one to offer suggestions, no one to tell me I was full of it and indulging in my excuses.

Then I signed up for a group coaching course and all that changed.  We paired up with an accountability partner and I noticed that my level of motivation increased as did my productivity because there was no way I was going to come back the next week and say I hadn’t completed my assignments.  I’d always been a good student and turned in quality work, on time.  I no longer felt isolated and alone.  I was getting things done and really making progress in my business.

A popular quote from Jim Rohn is “When two people come together and share common goals, things will happen.”

So here are some reasons I believe it’s essential to have an accountability partner.

1.       They help us focus – accountability partners help us keep our eye on the ball – our goals – and stay on track and not allow us to go off on tangents.

2.    They provide a sounding board – they are someone to bounce ideas off of and they bring clarity and a fresh perspective to our challenges.

3.    They kick butt when we need it – they don’t accept our excuses and they call us on them.

4.    They help us deal with overwhelm – we all feel overwhelmed by all we have to do sometimes.  Accountability partners offer suggestions and support to work through the overwhelm, often suggesting time saving ideas and shortcuts we didn’t know about or think about.

5.    They help us make good choices and decisions – by being good listeners and providing feedback on our thought process, they help us get clarity so we can make better decisions.

6.    They are great cheerleaders – they encourage and cheer us on and tell us we can achieve our goals.  That boosts motivation and feelings of achievement.

7.    They remind us to celebrate our successes – along the way we need pats on the back and someone to say “good job” when we’ve done well and created a success.  Accountability partners give us virtual hugs, pats on the back and help us appreciate our accomplishments.

When our accountability partner has done these things for us, we then reciprocate and return the favor.  It allows us experience being both the giver and the receiver.  It is my experience that often times friendships are formed, friendships that last a long time because we’ve shared a part of our journey that no one else has had the opportunity to share with us.  That creates quite a bond.  So if you don’t have an accountability partner, do yourself a favor and find one.

My business partner and I are hosting the Rock Your Business in 28 Days Business Challenge next month.  It’s a fun event where we provide you with a list of business boosting activities throughout the month so you can Rock It in your business.  There will be suggested activities for blogging, mindset, systems, administration/operation, finances and more.  It’s free so sign up now at

If your business needs a boost, or if you just need some fresh, kick starter ideas, join us for the challenge.


About the Author

Kama - October 19, 2013

Thank you for this post Julia, a great reminder of the benefits of having and accountability partner. I think it is time for me to find one! Kama
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    Julia - October 19, 2013

    Hi Kama, thank you for stopping by and leaving your comment. I love having someone I can count on to be my back up, a coach and a cheerleader. That really keeps me going. Good luck in finding the right partner.

    RM - December 18, 2013

    This was a really good post. I definitely agree. I found my accountability partner in October via Twitter! We started working together on Nov 1 and it’s been a tremendous 7 weeks. With her support I’ve launched a blog + 2 coaching programs. I’ve even started developing a course on brand messaging for local businesses.

    Kama, if you’re still looking for an accountability coach/partner-in-crime, you should check out her website and get in touch – 🙂

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