Praise for Pick from the Passion Tree – Empowering Young Entrepreneurs to Start a Business

passion tree_I am very excited to share with you some of the wonderful comments I have received for my new book, Pick from the Passion Tree – Empowering Young Entrepreneurs to Start a Business.

This book was born during an Ultimate Blog Challenge last year and it is scheduled to go to the printer this coming week and I will begin promotion shortly.  The book will be available only on my website for a while and then on Clickbank.  I might also list it with some of the larger book sellers, however, I will not list it on Kindle again.  I was not happy with the Kindle experience and the fact that you cannot do any other thing with your book while it’s on Kindle for 90 days.  The free days were a huge success, but there were no Kindle sales after that.  I did much better on my own.

Without further ado, here are the wonderful things being said about the book.

Julia is the sweetest person I know with an amazing heart and a fierce dedication to young people having the opportunity to live their dreams.  This book she has written empowers young people to get into the right mindset about becoming entrepreneurs and starting their own business.  Every young person in high school should have a copy of this book so they can have choices about their future and the opportunity to have the lifestyle they dream of.   

Rich German, Epic Coach Academy, Author, Monetize Your Passion, follow your hear and create life’s ultimate win-win-win

The world is changing at an unprecedented rate.  The old adage of “get a good education, get a good job and you’ll be set for life” no longer exists.  The time is now to chart your own path and start your own business that will set the world on fire.  Julia Neiman’s, Pick from the Passion Tree, provides some great information to get you thinking and moving in the right direction.

Bob Proctor, best-selling author, You Were Born Rich

What I like about Julia is that she marches to her own drum.  She doesn’t tell young people what to think or what to do, she empowers them to think for themselves and hands them all their own drums.  I love that she is empowering young people to become entrepreneurs.

Adam Urbanski, The Millionaire Mentor

Julia Neiman is on a mission to make dreams come true! Her powerful book for teens and young adults is chock-full of provocative questions, inspiring stories, uplifting quotes, and most importantly—action steps. In this easy-to-digest and enjoyable-to-read book, Julia takes potential young entrepreneurs on a journey from picking their passions to promoting their products. Her holistic and thorough approach is a must-read for any young person who is considering starting a business. (Heck, a budding entrepreneur of any age will love it!)

Sherry Richert Belul, founder of Simply Celebrate and former editor for Nickelodeon’s ParentsConnect.

Entrepreneurs may think big, but they know that small focused simple shifts and daily actions are what make them successful. The step by step approach of Julia Neiman’s, Pick From The Passion Tree creates an easy to read and easy to follow path for the young entrepreneur. Julia has a way of challenging young people to think big while guiding them with questions that will empower them to make decisions as they set off towards their own success.

Alisa Ugalde, Entrepreneur, Claim Your

In today’s fast pace and information overload it’s enough to give anyone a serious case of overwhelm and procrastination.  Julia helps you get your breakthrough by giving you a thorough overview, plus totally breaks it down to the basic level.  The core statement which really brought it home for me was, “When you’re searching for your passion, it’s important to pursue things that you enjoy for one reason…to find your passion, you need to dedicate yourself to a cause”.  I highly recommend this book to anyone, especially teens and young adults who need to “work out what’s important in their lives, follow their passion and set out on the entrepreneurial path, today!”

Keith LeBlanc RPh.  Social Media Strategy Consultant

One of the challenges of the next decade is how we’re going to create enough jobs -especially for young people. Recession or no recession, the nature of work is changing, workforces are shrinking in the major companies, new patterns are emerging.

The most important is the growth of self-employment and new start-ups.  Already numbers in the US and across Europe are at record highs, and that’s where most of the growth in the employment market is coming from.  Some commentators predict that half the US workforce could be employed in micro-businesses by 2020.

It’s for them that Julia Neiman has written her book, Pick From the Passion TreeEmpowering Young Entrepreneurs to Start a Business.  She challenges young people to work out what’s important in their lives, follow their passion and set out on the entrepreneurial path … today!

Alan Miles, Human Resources Consultant, Achievement Management Specialist


Only 33 hours left to be eligible for the VIP Upgrade at The Youth Empowerment Telesummit.  Take advantage NOW, before the prices increase dramatically!  Own this amazing content filled series that will provide you with practical, easy to implement strategies to engage the tweens, teens and young adults in your life to improve communication, build trust, and empower them with life skills.

About the Author

Wendy - April 15, 2013

Young people need more of this kind of inspiration, and I, for one, look forward to reading your book! (Even though I am no longer really “young,” just young at heart 😉

As entrepreneurs, my husband and I have had so many conversations about this lately. Your message is timely and important – especially as the old paradigm fades from relevancy. Kudos, Julia!
Wendy recently posted…Mini MeditationsMy Profile

    Julia - April 15, 2013

    Thank you Wendy, I appreciate your supportive words. My work is with young people, however, the information in both of my books applies to all ages really. My main concern is having a positive impact on the global youth unemployment crisis. If our young people can’t find work, the next generation is in serious trouble and that endangers us all in a myriad of ways.

    Thank you for reading and for commenting.

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