Tag Archives for " Empowering young entrepreneurs "

20 Entrepreneurship Proverbs: Ancient Thoughts on Developing an Entrepreneurial Mindset

Welcome to day 29 of the Empowering Young Entrepreneurs Series. I ran across these 20 ancient quotes from several different cultures that I believe are worth pondering. They are all related to the entrepreneurial mindset and include thoughts about integrity, responsibility, failure, attitude and more.

Which one speaks to you the most? Is there one over all the others that you needed to be reminded of right now? Or one that you find inspirational or motivational?

1. “The best time to plant a tree is twenty years ago. The second best time is now.” Chinese Proverb

2. “Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.” Japanese Proverb

3. “Sow a thought, reap an action; sow an action, reap a habit; sow a habit, reap a character; sow a character, reap a destiny.” Chinese Proverb

4. “A bad workman blames his tools.” Chinese Proverb

5. “A fall into a ditch makes you wiser.” Chinese Proverb

6. “Defeat isn’t bitter if you don’t swallow it.” Chinese Proverb

7. “The diamond cannot be polished without friction, nor the man perfected without trials.” Chinese Proverb

8. “A jade stone is useless before it is processed; a man is good-for-nothing until he is educated.” Chinese Proverb

9. “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” Chinese Proverb

10. “The loftiest towers rise from the ground.” Chinese Proverb

11. “Building a castle is difficult. Defending and maintaining it is harder still.” Asian Proverb

12. “A person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the man doing it.” Chinese Proverb

13. “All cats love fish but fear to wet their paws.” Chinese Proverb

14. “Don’t stand by the water and long for fish; go home and weave a net.” Chinese Proverb

15. “Everyone should carefully observe which way his heart draws him, and then choose that way with all his strength.” Hasidic Proverb

16. “Failing to plan is planning to fail.” Chinese Proverb

17. “If you pay peanuts, you get monkeys.” Chinese Proverb

18. “Make happy those who are near and those who are far will come.” Chinese Proverb

19. “Teachers open the door. You enter by yourself.” Chinese Proverb

20. “Find a job you love and you’ll never work a day in your life.” Confucius

Action: The Key To Success

The word action has come up a lot in the past few days so I thought it would be a good idea to look at why action is the key to success.

Adam Urbanski said, “The difference between successful people and the wannabes is simple: successful people do what needs to be done when it needs to be done – regardless of how they feel about it at the moment. The wannabes just complain and come up with all kinds of BS how life should be easy and everything we want should just effortlessly appear for us! Sorry, that’s not the way it works! If you want something – go get it!”

Nothing in business or life gets done unless you take some action.

Most of us know or have at least heard of the law of attraction.  Some people imagine you can just think positively and things will come to you.  This isn’t true.   It’s fantasy.  The law of attraction is not wishful thinking, nor is it just positive thinking.  Making your dreams come true and attracting what you want requires you to put energy into making it happen – taking action.  This is called determination.  Determination is the combination of time, energy and actions.  Without determination nothing happens.

The universe will not give you what you want without you taking some action.  When your action is inspired by your desires and dreams, you are demonstrating that you really want what you say you desire.  This puts you in alignment with the law of attraction and you will begin to see what you want start to come to you.  Action is like searching for buried treasure; you know it is there to find and you are digging with determination to find it.

Actions that are uninspired are time wasters.  Time wasters don’t create an alignment with our dreams and desires which means we aren’t going to get what we say we want.  This form of action leaves you with the wannabes that Adam mentioned.

My spiritual teacher once said that waiting doesn’t mean sitting around waiting for something to happen, it means doing something toward making it happen until it does happen.  So what are you “waiting” for?

“You are never given a dream without the ability to make it come true.  That ability includes your willingness to do what it takes. Marcia Wieder


8 Patterns of Self-Sabotage

This post is inspired by the writings of Marcia Wieder of Dream University in her book Overcoming Failure in the Dream Movement Series.  She talks about these 8 patterns of sabotage:

Sabotage #1:  Negative self-talk and self-doubt are useless.

If you recall the three hurdles we talked about earlier in this series, lack of belief was number one, “I don’t believe I can do it.”   We identified three was to jump this hurdle: focus on your desires, focus on who you are being and take action.  If you are in action toward making your dream come true, there is little room left for self-doubt.

It is important to remember that our thoughts create our reality, so be aware of your thoughts, change them and you will change your reality.

Sabotage #2:  Putting your fears into your dream will kill the dream.

This is what Marcia recommends to transform this sabotage pattern:  “Any fears we have about our dreams are just part of the present reality.  Divide a piece of paper in half.  Label the top “My Dream” and the bottom “My Reality”. Honestly describe the dream and assess your reality about the dream. Include in the reality section, all of your fears about the dream. Now you can clearly see where you stand.  You can also decide (on a daily basis) if you are more committed to your dream or to your reality, which includes your fears.  Zig Ziglar, one of the world’s foremost motivational speakers, uses a wonderful acronym for the word FEAR: ‘False Evidence Appearing Real.’  Take a close look at how you are using your fear and at what’s real and what’s not.”


Sabotage #3:  Being vague about the dream will keep you confused.

We’ve talked about this in a previous post as well.  It is essential to have clarity about your dream.  Write it down, create a vision board, start telling people what your dream is and use their questions and comments as feedback to gain clarity.  Communicate it often.  Eliminate the qualifiers when you share your dream.  For example, don’t say “some day I’m going to be a successful business person.”  Do say, “I’m going to be a success business person.”  Do you see the difference?  One is more self-assured, the other leaves room for doubt.

Sabotage #4:  If the dream stays a dream, it will never become a reality.

You must be in action on making your dreams a reality because nothing happens without action.  If you have a really big dream, the first step is to ask yourself “how can I make this happen?”  Then break that down into projects or goals.  Set a date or time limit and start moving one step at a time toward completing that goal.

Sabotage #5:  Scheduling unrealistic deadlines will lead to disappointment.

Don’t schedule yourself into overwhelm.  I’ve been there and done that.  When I feel overwhelmed I usually want to stay in bed and pull the covers over my head; nothing gets done that way.  This is what the Get Stuff Done Tool was created for.  If don’t already have this tool, sign up in the box with the red arrows on the right hand side of this page and it will be sent to you.  We also discussed this in a previous post so you can review it there.

Sabotage #6:  Loss of perspective can send you into a tail spin.

Telling yourself that you will never make it, or how bad things are is a sure way to sabotage the dream.  This can even make the situation worse than it really is.  Or just as bad, we pump ourselves up pretending things are much better than they are.  Denial is a waste of your time.  Make a visual – create a chart or graph and show how much you’ve already accomplished, then look at how much there is left to do and break that down into smaller projects.  Remember, one step at a time leads to success.


Sabotage #7:  It’s so much easier to do it myself.

This usually comes either from ego or you are a control freak.  We’ve talked about having your dream team, or a success team.  They are on your team to help you when you need.  You just need to ask them.  Also, google whatever information you need and search for free training.  I learned so much of what I know and put into practice by watching free video trainings and attending free webinars and teleseminars.  If I had trouble putting into practice what I learned, I asked for help.

Sabotage #8:  If you kill yourself in the process, you won’t get to enjoy the dream.

Take care of yourself.  If make yourself crazy and overwhelmed, if you are stressed, you are wasting energy and putting yourself and your dream at risk.  Slow down, see what you need and provide that for yourself.  It’s okay to take a break or work less hours and take a bit longer to get things done.  After all, you want to be happy and healthy enough to enjoy your dream becoming a reality.

Which one or more of these patterns have you fallen into?


Laying The Foundation For Success

Building a business is like building a house or other structure.  You start with the foundation and build up.  You have to even out the ground, lay out the outline of the bottom floor and pour the cement.  When you are done, you have the foundation.  Then you build the frame of the structure, put the roof on, install the plumbing and wiring, finish the walls then get to the smaller details until your house is complete.

The next step is to turn that house into a home.  You need to decide on paint color, furniture and the like.  Once everything is in place, you have successfully built a new home.

In business, evening out the ground is equivalent to deciding what business you will have and doing the research necessary to make informed decision.  Laying out the outline of your business consists of making decisions on the name, what your URL will be, or whether or not to have a website or other tools.

Next, setting up the systems for your business, the website, an autoresponder and other systems is pouring the cement for the foundation.

To frame your business requires determining your sales funnel; what will your products be?  What will you give away to attract people to your business?

Creating your products and having them ready to sell is putting the roof over your head and finishing the walls.

Now to turn your venture into a real business, you need to find customers/clients; you must build your list and create and work a marketing plan.

Finally, to make your business a home, you need to invite people over.  Once your customers/clients start visiting, you can call your business your home and it is time to have a housewarming party.

Welcome home.

The Top 7 Keys for Winning in Life and Business

The topic for today’s lesson in the Empowering Young Entrepreneurs series comes to us from Adam Urbanski of Millionaire Marketing Mentors and The Overnight Authority.  Adam has coached over 50,000 entrepreneurs, many of whom have reached the millionaire milestone.


Most of these keys may seem familiar to you as we have discussed them in one post or another over the past 24 days.  I thought it important to reinforce these keys to success as both a reminder and a summary of some of the things we’ve discussed so far.  These keys are as effective when applied to the way you live your life as their are to your business.

1.        Focus on your dream.

Always keep your dream in mind when building your business.  Make It as real as possible by visualizing, create a vision board or just post photos of your dream as reminders.  Move toward those images every single day.

2.        Take action fast.

Once you have your business idea, do not wait to take action.  Brainstorm ideas, use the Get Stuff Done Tool to organize your To Do List and get to work creating your business right away.

3.        Put yourself in a place where you are most likely to succeed.

Figure out what you do in your life that wastes time and cut it out right now.  Find a place where you can focus and concentrate on what you have to do, a place with few distractions.  Then get to work.

4.        Keep it Simple Silly (KISS).

Don’t make the actions you take difficult or confusing.  Simple steps with simple systems will get you there faster and more efficiently.

5.        Passionately share your convictions.

Do you know the difference between an expert and an authority?  An expert shares their findings, authorities share they opinions.  Which will you be, the expert or an authority?  Talk from your knowledge and your heart; know your stuff and people will listen to you.

6.        Failure is not an option.

As Thomas Edison said, he didn’t fail 700 times, he found 700 ways his idea wouldn’t work before he found the one way that would work.  Don’t allow your mistakes to set you back or worse yet to give up.  Never quit, ever.

7.        Believe in your own message.

If you don’t believe in your own message, no one else will buy into it either.

I hope this review is of value to you and reminds you of what is important when building your business.


3 Common Pitfalls In Building Your Business

Recently we talked about the most common pitfall in building a business which is thinking that your great idea, your aha moment, or your product is all you need to be successful.  There are other pitfalls to be aware and beware of.

1.  Not expecting obstacles

A common mistake made by failing entrepreneurs is believing that the process of building a successful business is an easy one.  It is foolish to think that you will not encounter mistakes and setbacks along the way.

Part of being a successful entrepreneur is learning how to overcome obstacles.   We talked about three hurdles that many people have to jump over when just considering starting a business:  I don’t believe I can, I don’t have enough time and/or money and the third, I don’t know how.

Once you decide to start a business, there are other hurdles such as not knowing who to trust to help you or not knowing the financial systems you need to have in place.  These and so many other small things can overwhelm you if you aren’t careful.

If you are not prepared to make mistakes and experience failure it is advisable that you do not become an entrepreneur because it is guaranteed that you will have hurdles, challenges, mistakes and failures along the way.

2.  Failing to work from your strengths

Every human being has their strengths and their weaknesses.  It is important that you are honest with yourself and with others, about what you are good at and what you are not.

In business it is important to play to your strengths.   Your strengths are your business tools that you should take full advantage of.

If your business requires a particular set of skills that you don’t possess, find someone that can fill this gap, or reconsider if the business is the right one for you.

Many failing entrepreneurs make the mistake of wasting countless hours improving their limitations instead of working from their strengths.   If you don’t know what your strengths are, ask the people who are closest to you or ask a teacher or find a mentor who can help you figure out what your strengths are.

3.  Not picking your niche based on your passions

It is just as important to pick a business that is not only potentially lucrative, but one that you are passionate about.

If your chosen niche does not excite you in any way, your ability to build the business will suffer.  Most of your behavior is a function of how you feel, and if you do not enjoy working on your business, you will soon be unmotivated and lose interest.

Albert Schweitzer, humanitarian, theologian and doctor, born 1875 said, “Success is not the key to happiness.  Happiness is the key to success!  If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.”

Finally if you choose or have chosen the path of an entrepreneur, make sure you enjoy challenges because there are certainly going to be many of them as you begin to build your business.  The quote below sums up the importance of enjoying the journey, more than the outcome of your efforts:

“We don’t sing to get to the end of the song.  If that were so, the fastest singers would be the best and composers would only write finales.  We don’t dance to get from one place on the floor to another.” Alan Watts, philosopher, 1915-1973.


The journey of the entrepreneur can be a highly rewarding one.  Entrepreneurs have the potential to create a business that allows them to live the lifestyle of their dreams.  However like any worthwhile pursuit, there will always be obstacles and set-backs to overcome.


Storytelling and the Art of Selling: Lesson 22 in the Empowering Young Entrepreneurs Series

Today I participated in a joint yard sale with friends who were fundraising for their nonprofit and I learned something valuable about selling, and that is that stories sell.

I had to sell some things that are my father’s that I have absolutely no interest in, things like smoking pipes, collector’s knives and fishing gear.  I spent 12 hours researching these things to determine a good and fair price.

The smoking pipes were the biggest surprise to me.  Some of them were expensive, costing over $400 new.  My dad’s collection had more than 60 pipes.

While doing this research I learned a lot about the artisans that made these pipes and the companies that employed them.  I learned the history of the shapes and the chain of ownership of the companies and what significant markings to look for to authenticate the pipe and so much more.  I printed photos from the internet of some of the pipes that I had to sell with their prices.  When all was said and done I had a lot of information about pipes.

As people made their way to my area they were immediately drawn to the pipes.  I can’t tell you how many times today I heard “wow, someone likes pipes.”   Well, duh!  However, rather than say “duh” I immediately launched into telling some of the stories I had learned about the pipes.  I was animated in the telling and felt I was able to convey my amazement at having learned such interesting stories.  At the end of the day, I sold most of the pipes, including some of the expensive ones.

It was clear to me that people were enthralled with the stories I told them and they responded positively.  One man, after buying a particular pipe I said I liked a lot from a local artist (one of the few not imported) turned to someone else and shared the story I just told him.

This must be similar in nature to telling our compelling stories about ourselves in order to attract customers.  At the end of the day, I sold almost everything I had to sell and made quite a bit of money.

So, the lesson to be learned is that it helps if you have a good story tell about whatever you are trying to sell.


The Number One Pitfall in Building a Successful Business; Lesson 21 in the Empowering Young Entrepreneurs Series

Many young entrepreneurs (and older ones) are under the impression that generating a good idea is the most important part of building a successful business.   However, a great number of businesses fall flat on their face because of an inability to recognize the amount of work that is required to make them successful.

In the grand scheme of business building, very little of the hard work involves coming up with the idea.  Most of the effort comes from working on all of the key processes that go into making a business successful.  Project management, marketing, product development, and customer relations, the ability to replicate your business, are just some of the areas that are essential to the functioning of a profitable business.

Obviously ideas are the initial seed that all successful businesses grow from, but they are not the only important ingredient involved in the business building process.

In the world famous book “E-myth revisited,” Geber draws on the important distinction between creativity and innovation with the following quote,

“Creativity thinks up new things.  Innovation does new things.”  Professor Levitt

Coming up with ideas is important, but you can start a business using someone else’s ideas or products.  Ideas aren’t going to take you very far without the knowledge and the expertise of how to implement them.  Innovating is where most of the hard work begins.

Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that a good idea naturally equates to the foundations of a sound business or you’ll find that you’ve fallen into that first pit.


5 Common Beliefs and Attitudes That Lead to Procrastination

It occurs to me that the problem with writing an article for procrastinators is that they will put off reading it!

Telling ourselves and others that we are going to do something is a million miles away from actually doing it. The gulf between intention and behavior is often quite large.  Statistics show that for every intention 1 in 2 people will end up not following through on their planned action.  That’s a lot of nothing getting done.

One of the causes of this is the action of constantly putting things off, also known as procrastination.  A key attribute of procrastination is a tendency to over think a particular course of action to the point that you spend most your time thinking rather than actually doing.  This state is commonly known as ‘paralysis by analysis.’  I’ve been known to procrastinate once in a while.  I try not to allow myself to do that because it leads to feeling overwhelmed then I just want to crawl into bed and pull the overs over my head.

Sometimes by thinking less we are able to achieve more.

Here are five common beliefs and attitudes that lead to the debilitating effects of procrastination (I’m not including laziness in this discussion even though that can be a component of procrastination):

1. The possibility of failure

Many people talk themselves out of working towards their goals because they are afraid they may fail.  To their way of thinking, by not taking action they are able protect themselves from the possibility of failure.

Most procrastinators have a strong idea of what they want, but often the fear of failure and the thoughts that surround this paralyzing emotion are so intense that productivity is slowed down or stops altogether.

2. The perfectionist syndrome

Another common attitude within the mindset of a procrastinator is the need for everything to be perfect before work commences.  Often this involves optimizing one’s environment and work space so that maximum comfort and ease is created.

The problem with this mindset is that working environments are never ideal, and never will be, unless you are prepared to invest a significant amount of your own time creating the ultimate work environment.

Understand that there is no substitute for real productive action, so even if your workplace is not ideal it is advisable to forge ahead nevertheless.  Thank goodness I’m not a perfectionist because my workspace is far from ideal.

3. The finite resource of time

Arguably a huge bias in the procrastinator’s thinking is the belief that time is an infinite resource.  The common excuse ‘I will do it tomorrow’ usually stems from an unconscious belief that there will always be time.  Unfortunately this is not true, and for many procrastinators they end up looking back over their lives regretting they didn’t take the opportunities when they were presented to them.

It is so easy to fall into the trap of thinking like this, which is why if you are presented with a good idea, it is advisable that you act on it immediately.

4. Stepping into the unknown

Acting on your intentions often requires a leap of faith.  Embarking on a worthwhile project always contains elements of the unknown.

The problem with many procrastinators is that they are terrified of taking a leap of faith into the unknown.  They want a guarantee that their efforts will not be in vain.

This may result in the procrastinator doing unnecessary research in an attempt to further control the likelihood of their actions becoming a success.  Obviously planning is important before beginning any major task, but at the same time excessive planning can inhibit your ability to act at the right times.

5. Action should be easy

Another component of the procrastinator’s limiting mindset is the belief that everything, when taking constructive action towards their long-term goals will be plain sailing.  Whenever hard work and long hours is mentioned a procrastinator’s is likely to put off whatever course of action they need to take.

All worthwhile projects involve overcoming difficulties and obstacles, and the procrastinator is often someone who foolishly believes that getting what you want shouldn’t be anything but easy.

What’s on the other side of procrastination?

If you can get past the mindset of the procrastinator, and you can begin actively working towards your goal, you may find that it becomes increasingly difficult to stop.  You will find that overtime you begin building up momentum towards your goals, to the point where everything is taken in your stride.  There is no doubt about it, starting something is always the hardest part, but once you get in the grove your work flow will become more natural and easy.

“An object at rest tends to stay at rest; an object in motion tends to stay in motion” Sir Issac Newton


7 Inspirational Quotes From Walt Disney About Entrepreneurship: Lesson 18 in the Empowering Young Entrepreneurs Series

Whew, we’ve reached day 18 of the Ultimate Blog Challenge.  We’ve considered skills, qualities and tools that young entrepreneurs need to develop an entrepreneur mindset.  I thought for today it would be nice to have a little inspiration before we transition into talking about building a dream business.

I turned to Walt Disney to provide that inspiration today.  Walt Disney has always been a role model for me; he helped me learn that I should dream big and have confidence in my dreams.

Here are 7 statements that he has made based upon his own experience in making his dreams come true with the Walt Disney empire.


Somehow I can’t believe there are any heights that can’t be scaled by a man who knows the secret of making dreams come true. This special secret, it seems to me, can be summarized in four C’s. They are Curiosity, Confidence, Courage, and Constancy and the greatest of these is Confidence. When you believe a thing, believe it all the way, implicitly and unquestionably.”


We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.”


All the adversity I’ve had in my life, all my troubles and obstacles, have strengthened me… You may not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you.”


You reach a point where you don’t work for money.”


All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.”


Of all the things I’ve done, the most vital is coordinating those who work with me and aiming their efforts at a certain goal.”


It’s kind of fun to do the impossible.”


I hope you are feeling inspired by Walt Disney’s words.